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04-27-2007, 03:41 PM | #1 |
NAC 092
Join Date: Sep 2002
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Seru jg nih main2 di PS!! Mau sharing dkt hasil oldig cara Orton Effect (gak tau d bahasa/isitilah bhs Indo nya). pada yg uda tau, tolong silakan ksh input abis gw yakin ada lbh dr satu cara olahnya. anyway...enjoy!
Orton Effect "Orton Effect named for Vancouver Island's Michael Orton. The effect is achieved by sandwiching a sharp image with a duplicate that is deliberately blurred or softened. The overall result is often characterized as a dreamscape, diffusion or softening glow." Sources-http://www.thephotofinishes.com/effectOrton.htm Campur aduk pake bahasa English gapapa yah...bis bisa keriting gw kl translates ke bahasa Indo smua Buka Photoshop trs pilih gambar yg loe suka Trs ke “Image”, click “Duplicate” Biar gak bingung atau salah edt photo asli/original, tutup aje original photonya Ke "Image”, click on “Apply Image”, kotak “Apply Image” bakal muncul, set blending nya to “Screen”, dan ganti opacity to 100%. Click Okay. Ke tombol “Image”, “Duplicate” lagi With the image you have just duplicated, ke “Filter”, down to “Blur-Gaussian Blur” terserah d set blurnya 20-50. Click tombol Okay d Trs gunain “move tool”, grab the blurred image and drag it on top of your first image and placing it evenly on top. (the image with details) Buka “layers” box anda (by going to “Windows”, down to “Layers”) Di layers box, set the blending mode dari “normal” ke “multiply” Abis itu terserah ente d mau main2in levels/curves/sharpening/etc. while switching back and forth between your background layer and your other layer. Udah puas dgn hasilnya? last step ke “Layer”, then down to “Flatten” image!! Chink!!...Chink!!...jd d your masterpiece! Di bawah gw attached contohnya, yg kiri original...kanan hasil Orton Effect with opacity 50%!! Btw...instead of doing the editing last step...di example ini malah gw edit dl, mengbuktikan kl there is more than one way to do this. Thks for reading guys!! of coz any inputs or criticism are always welcome. Dengan ada nya Thread ini gw hope rekan2 lain jg bisa tambahin Tips or Tricks oldig lain2 nya yg kalian tau lah...juz to share & learn ps: cape gw ngiler trs cuman liat pics2 bagus2 tp gak tau cara post-processing nya (if any) gmn sharing donk!
04-27-2007, 03:44 PM | #2 |
NAC 092
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Where Angels & Demons Meet
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101 Hidden Tips & Secrets For Photoshop
Oh btw kl ada yg interested....I find this interesting link (shortcut commands PS). gw sih merasanya helpful bgt. anyway enjoy
04-28-2007, 01:23 AM | #3 |
NAC 058
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,345
Re: 101 Hidden Tips & Secrets For Photoshop
ini ada link2nya dari FN ..
gue sih belum pernah buka2 .. hueheuhe .. monggo yang mau belajar PS .. ilmunya ada di 'alam bebas' http://www.fotografer.net/isi/forum/topik.php?id=158208 |
04-28-2007, 07:26 AM | #4 |
NAC 002
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Re: Photoshop
Rada off topic sich ,cuma saran saya ,sebaiknya kalo bisa dari awal disiplinkan diri anda saat hendak motret utk harus dapat hasil yg :
1. Tajam 2. Lighting bagus 3. Komposisi bagus Point 2 dan 3 mungkin relatif sulit ,namun point 1 itu mudah sekali , usahakan sebisanya utk mendapatkan hasil setajam2nya fresh out of the camera bukan ditolerir utk nanti di sharpened lagi di post editing , krn bagaimanapun juga hasilnya foto bagus yg diedit lagi akan lbh baik ktimbang foto kurang bagus yg diedit bukan? Dengan sedikit aplikasi exposure yg tepat dari kombinasi ISO ,shutter speed dan aperture maka hasil foto diatas pun dapat di dapat tanpa harus edit apapun . Memang gak selamanya pada moment tertentu kita bisa dapat hasil dgn exposure sempurna , nah saat itulah post editing menjadi suatu keharusan utk hasil optimum , krn moment tdk bisa diulang. Usahakan post editing hanya utk kreasi2 oldig yg memang tidak bisa di capai hanya dgn setting camera saja, namun sejauh hal2 yg bisa dilakukan di camera , kenapa harus di buat 2 x proses di post editing? lbh praktis utk lsg di set di exposure camera saja bukan? Imho ,just my two cents . |
04-28-2007, 09:04 AM | #5 | ||
NAC 092
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Where Angels & Demons Meet
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Re: Photoshop
Anyway...thks for the advice bout the setting di camera.
04-28-2007, 04:28 PM | #6 | |
NAC 002
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Re: Photoshop
05-11-2007, 09:05 AM | #7 |
NAC 092
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Where Angels & Demons Meet
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Re: Photoshop
Guys..just wanna share a helpful Photoshop Tools. Mgkn pd dah tau atau ada cara lain...feel free to enlighten me
Noise Ninja Here's the link http://www.picturecode.com/download.htm gampang bgt gunain nya and pretty helpful..well at least for me.
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