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Old 09-25-2005, 11:18 PM   #1
goldenfin (3250)
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Default Caution when buying MG Xback

My personal advise to those who are interested in buying MG Xbacks since there are a lot of confusion out there. Doesn't mean to discredit anyone, just something that I feel necessary to share.

My advise:
Why? Because you could end up buying RTG or HBRTG instead!
Or, your Xback will have less value without certificate.

When you are buying import Xbacks, most Malaysian and Singaporean farms will state the breed type of their MG on the certificate. If for some reason you are buying local breed MG, ask for certificate! and please buy only from reputable farm or retailer. Since only few of Indonesian reputable farm started to breed Xbacks and market them locally!
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Old 09-26-2005, 12:51 AM   #2
rudinugraha (1532)
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

Du.., Would you mind to tell us all the Indonesian reputable farm or retailer who aren't just give their customer its certificate only, but they can also give their customer satisfaction guarantee said that their fish are 100% original type of MG Xback.

I'm telling you all because I've a bad experience when I bought an "SR" for the first time (a few years ago) and I asked the seller about my fish's certificate, I was so surprised at that time because suddenly the seller showed me a bunch of "SR"'s certificates issued by miscellaneous breeders and asked me to pick one of them, and you know, later on I was more surprised when I found in fact that the fish that I bought from him wasn't not an "SR", but an "GR". (What a pitty... !!!!)

So, based on my bad experience above, I wanna say that "Certificate" is just a piece of paper only which everybody can make or duplicate it easily, and for the beginer, the most important thing before they buy such an expensive fish like MG Xback (without feeling to discredit any one) firstly they have to know better who the seller is, they may ask as many as their wellknown friends who have more knowledge about this matter and hopefully or at least will give them a recommendation which retailer can be trusted.

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Old 09-26-2005, 06:02 AM   #3
donkza (505)
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

Originally Posted by goldenfin
My personal advise to those who are interested in buying MG Xbacks since there are a lot of confusion out there. Doesn't mean to discredit anyone, just something that I feel necessary to share.

My advise:
Why? Because you could end up buying RTG or HBRTG instead!
Or, your Xback will have less value without certificate.

When you are buying import Xbacks, most Malaysian and Singaporean farms will state the breed type of their MG on the certificate. If for some reason you are buying local breed MG, ask for certificate! and please buy only from reputable farm or retailer. Since only few of Indonesian reputable farm started to breed Xbacks and market them locally!
thx atas sarannya bos
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Old 09-26-2005, 06:58 AM   #4
h3ndr0 (770)
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

Tergantung yg di gantung juga sich pak,...
Harusnya sich penjual jujur donkk ama produk yang mereka jual.
Skrng ini kya nya crossbreed antara mg dan rtg banyak (apalagi PKB telh berhasil mijah MG).Lalu kenapa? yg mentingkan ikannya bagus. Apalgi yg suka/maniac jenis gold biasanya dia akan bayar mahal untuk seekor rtg yang lebih bagus dari malaysian gold sekalipun, namun kualitasnya harus lebih bagus dalam artian harga rtg lebih mahal dari malaysian gold, kenapa ??? kita kan bukan cari merek tapi kualitas .... he he he . Begitu juga yg merah. Bukan begitu bukan ?

eh sy bikin sarang2 laba2, ada yg mo nambahin, ini nich :

Originally Posted by Edu
My personal advise to those who are interested in buying MG Xbacks since there are a lot of confusion out there. Doesn't mean to discredit anyone, just something that I feel necessary to share.

My advise:
Why? Because you could end up buying RTG or HBRTG instead!
Or, your Xback will have less value without certificate.

When you are buying import Xbacks, most Malaysian and Singaporean farms will state the breed type of their MG on the certificate. If for some reason you are buying local breed MG, ask for certificate! and please buy only from reputable farm or retailer. Since only few of Indonesian reputable farm started to breed Xbacks and market them locally!
Originally Posted by Rudi
Du.., Would you mind to tell us all the Indonesian reputable farm or retailer who aren't just give their customer its certificate only, but they can also give their customer satisfaction guarantee said that their fish are 100% original type of MG Xback.

I'm telling you all because I've a bad experience when I bought an "SR" for the first time (a few years ago) and I asked the seller about my fish's certificate, I was so surprised at that time because suddenly the seller showed me a bunch of "SR"'s certificates issued by miscellaneous breeders and asked me to pick one of them, and you know, later on I was more surprised when I found in fact that the fish that I bought from him wasn't not an "SR", but an "GR". (What a pitty... !!!!)

So, based on my bad experience above, I wanna say that "Certificate" is just a piece of paper only which everybody can make or duplicate it easily, and for the beginer, the most important thing before they buy such an expensive fish like MG Xback (without feeling to discredit any one) firstly they have to know better who the seller is, they may ask as many as their wellknown friends who have more knowledge about this matter and hopefully or at least will give them a recommendation which retailer can be trusted.

Originally Posted by donkza
thx atas sarannya bos
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Old 09-26-2005, 09:44 AM   #5
KoKo (3087)
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

setuju bos Edu
" Stand Up Speak Up "
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Old 09-26-2005, 09:56 AM   #6
goldenfin (3250)
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

Sangat setuju! bos Rudi dan H3ndro
Kita memang harus lebih melihat ikannya bukan sertifikatnya!


1. Super Red adalah species asli Indonesia. Tanpa sertifikat pun kita beli, ikan tidak akan pernah berkurang nilainya. Kenyataan di lapangan pun masih memungkinkan kita beli SR tanpa sertifikat dan chip kan?
Katakanlah ada orang awam punya duit langsung beli SR 20cm, dibesarin bagus sampe 50cm, terus dia mau jual ke satu pedagang yg kebetulan jahil, ikan cuma ditawar 5jt, si orang awam kan bisa dengan leluasa pergi ke pedagang lain yang lebih cengli, karena dia tau nilai ikannya ngga segitu seharusnya kan? Karena paling tidak orang kita sudah tau nilai SR.

2. Nah kalo Xback import? anda beli awal sudah lebih mahal dari SR (kalo import), namun sebagian besar orang belum tau bedanya RTG sama Xback, kalo ada orang awam ngga ngerti ikan tapi punya Xback istimewa, kan si pedagang/trader nakal bisa menggunakan kesempatan, iya ngga? Anda ngaku2 ikannya xback import pun orang disini akan sulit percaya, malah lebih menganggap ikan anda RTG biasa. Jadi ngapain beli sesuatu lebih mahal dari SR tanpa asal usul yang jelas dan bisa dipertanggung- jawabkan?

3. Kalo Xback lokal? nah untuk yang satu ini kan seharusnya farm yang breeding Xback kan didaftar oleh BKSDA, wong indukan jenis apa yang akan diternakan seharusnya dilaporkan ke pemerintah. Tapi kenyataanya dilapangan kan susah realisasi sesuai aturan. Sekarang kan orang umumnya tau kalo farm2 di Indonesia cuma terdaftar untuk breed SR, RTG, Pino, Banjar dan Silver. Gimana orang bisa tau farm tersebut menghasilkan Xback kalo farmnya tidak melapor ke BKSDA atau sudah berhasil export ke luar negeri dengan mencantumkan sertifikat yang diakui pasar international?

Singkatnya kenapa biasakan beli Xback local minta sertifikat? agar supaya kalo ternyata ikan anda cuma RTG atau HBRTG, anda berhak nuntut sebagai konsumen. Dan reputasi farm2 penghasil Xback akan mulai terbentuk di pasar, seperti halnya SR selama ini
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Old 09-26-2005, 10:06 AM   #7
goldenfin (3250)
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

Maksud gue, please jangan mudah tertipu dengan iming2 Xback atau HBRTG dipasaran lokal kalo ngga jelas asal-usul farm dan reputasi pedagangnya. Kalo kita lebih waspada dan membiasakan diri minta sertifikat kan paling tidak bisa membatasi pedagang nakal yang mencoba menyalahgunakan RTG biasa
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Old 09-26-2005, 10:46 AM   #8
Ajie F (1499)
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

Originally Posted by goldenfin
Maksud gue, please jangan mudah tertipu dengan iming2 Xback atau HBRTG dipasaran lokal kalo ngga jelas asal-usul farm dan reputasi pedagangnya. Kalo kita lebih waspada dan membiasakan diri minta sertifikat kan paling tidak bisa membatasi pedagang nakal yang mencoba menyalahgunakan RTG biasa
Jangan kwatir mas edu n temen temen , kiatnya gampang kok ,agar gak ke tepu , ya Beli aja XB ( Kalau Ragu lihat ARO RTG yg ciri cirinya seperti XB) dng Harga RTG , pasti deh di jamin Gak Rugi


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Old 09-26-2005, 11:57 AM   #9
Martin (560)
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

Boss Edu dan Boss Rudi bahasa Inggris-nya bagus banget

Thanks for warning us regarding MG Xback
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Old 09-29-2005, 07:47 PM   #10
kalesa (4754)
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

iya pilih ikan jangan dari namanya (sertifikatnya) tapi dari kualitasnya dan perhatikan juga harganya!
pernah di kartini nanya ini arwana jenis apa dijawabnya malaysia golden padahal mirips golden red

...boleh ngutip...

semangat juang yang tak pernah mati adalah wujud nyata kebangkitan sejati
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Old 09-30-2005, 09:49 AM   #11
SR quality (185)
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

waduh kapan punga MG, lagi tunggu lelang/arisan mas N1wan nih! kalau ngak gak kejangkau
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Old 09-30-2005, 09:49 AM   #12
adi_n (943)
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

bos Edu, pernah punya pengalaman gak mengenai x-back ini di pasar lokal...??
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Old 09-30-2005, 09:58 AM   #13
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

Originally Posted by adi_n
bos Edu, pernah punya pengalaman gak mengenai x-back ini di pasar lokal...??
di m**g banyak tuh harga 10jt belum tawar, silakan buru!
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Old 09-30-2005, 11:28 PM   #14
goldenfin (3250)
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

Originally Posted by adi_n
bos Edu, pernah punya pengalaman gak mengenai x-back ini di pasar lokal...??
Ditipu belum pernah, sampai sekarang pun masih cari2 anakan yang bener2 sy suka banget belum dapet2. Tapi kalo ditawarin sama orang asbun yang ngerasa lebih ngerti dari sy sudah beberapa kali.
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Old 10-01-2005, 06:20 AM   #15
donkza (505)
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

Originally Posted by goldenfin
Ditipu belum pernah, sampai sekarang pun masih cari2 anakan yang bener2 sy suka banget belum dapet2. Tapi kalo ditawarin sama orang asbun yang ngerasa lebih ngerti dari sy sudah beberapa kali.
wow,masih mau berburu xback?ck..ck...top bangget
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