View Full Version : Tank Mate Management.

03-29-2007, 02:32 AM
:cool: Aloha NAC members,

Sorry if I'd put this in english, but it's a favor for a friend of mine who had a question regarding 2 of his remaining Aros. His question is kinda simple, through his email he put:

[2x(Arowana Super Red)]+[8 Parrot Tank Mate]= ????
1 large aquarium

1. Would the answer be: 1 dead Aro? 2 live aro with bruises? or 2 happily live aro with the listed tank mates? :confused:
2. Would putting some tank mates make an Aro less violent to another SR if it were to be combine?:confused: This is still regarding to put only 2 SR in the tank.
3. If an Aro never had a tankmate and always living in the aquarium by itself, how do you put a tank mate in it? Just splash it in the tank? Do you put it on the surface of the tank along with the plastic bag for 15 minutes just like a regular SR tank adaptation process?

If you guys couldn't answer it with english and would like to use Indo thats ok, I could translate most of it :) Any help is greatly appreciated :)

Mahalo :suer::suer:

03-29-2007, 01:38 PM
I try to answer it.

:cool: Aloha NAC members,

Sorry if I'd put this in english, but it's a favor for a friend of mine who had a question regarding 2 of his remaining Aros. His question is kinda simple, through his email he put:

[2x(Arowana Super Red)]+[8 Parrot Tank Mate]= ????
1 large aquarium

1. Would the answer be: 1 dead Aro? 2 live aro with bruises? or 2 happily live aro with the listed tank mates? :confused:
1 dead aro is possible, 2 live aro with bruises is almost certain. 2 happily live aro is very rare.
2. Would putting some tank mates make an Aro less violent to another SR if it were to be combine?:confused: This is still regarding to put only 2 SR in the tank.
5 aro is minimum for commtank, but there's rare cases where 2-3 aro live happily ever after :D My friend had 3 silver, 1 dead of jumped out of water, 2 silver now live happily, but not after a fierce fight between the 3 during their junior year.
3. If an Aro never had a tankmate and always living in the aquarium by itself, how do you put a tank mate in it? Just splash it in the tank? Do you put it on the surface of the tank along with the plastic bag for 15 minutes just like a regular SR tank adaptation process?
Splash it in directly is ok, but adaption process is preferable.

If you guys couldn't answer it with english and would like to use Indo thats ok, I could translate most of it :) Any help is greatly appreciated :)

Mahalo :suer::suer:

03-29-2007, 04:43 PM
:love::love: Cool, thanks for the sweet answers bro. Its a shame that we gotta have at least 5 SR in a comtank, and even more sadly is that inserting any tankmate does not matter if the Aros are less than 5.
I do however have 2 more questions regarding to owning a SR comtank;

1. Must they all be in the same size at least?
2. If they were put together in a later age, maybe around 2 years old perhaps, should the adaptation process be done all at once or one by one?

I appreciate it bro, mahalo :suer:

03-29-2007, 04:56 PM
bro ....
1. same size aro is certainly a necessity
2. once they cannot be mixed then its a 99% cannot even later on dude ;)
very rare a couple sr can mixed together n get along in tank bro unless u r very very lucky guy :suer:

03-29-2007, 05:16 PM
I try to answer again :)
:love::love: Cool, thanks for the sweet answers bro. Its a shame that we gotta have at least 5 SR in a comtank, and even more sadly is that inserting any tankmate does not matter if the Aros are less than 5.
I do however have 2 more questions regarding to owning a SR comtank;

1. Must they all be in the same size at least?
Like bro azura said, yes it's a must, unless you have a big pond and lots of aro. I tried to mix different size aro before. Result was not good, the little one almost lost his top fin. :D
2. If they were put together in a later age, maybe around 2 years old perhaps, should the adaptation process be done all at once or one by one?
Again, agree with bro azura. It will be difficult to comm even a mature aro, if it only consist of 2 aro. A method I read is to place them side by side in one aquarium and divide them using a glass. If they're seem to peaceful, try to remove the glass divider. But this method is seldom work bro, so proceed with caution.
I saw a comm with only 3 mature aro, they are quite peacefull, but the little one got a quite severe torn fins. They were comm'ed when they are pretty young and consist of 9 aro. One by one dead or sold, only 3 left. Still live quite peacefully even only 3 left.

I appreciate it bro, mahalo :suer:

03-29-2007, 06:24 PM
Cool this is very helpfull, I really appreciate it bros... again... mahalo for the info bros...:top::top:

03-30-2007, 12:40 PM
Mahalo too bro :)

Ps. What's the meaning of mahalo :D Thank you?

03-31-2007, 05:27 PM
Mahalo too bro :)

Ps. What's the meaning of mahalo :D Thank you?

Yep, thats correct, I use it since koem-koem always used the word "horas" in every post so i figure it wouldnt hurt if i use a word that we use in here. :suer: