View Full Version : AIRSOFTGUN

JD Winata
02-27-2006, 09:48 AM
Ada yg hobby airsoftgun gak? wleh2 gue baru kblinger lagi nich , skrg ada PSG1 , MC5 Socom, AK47 dan HK USP , G36 dan M4 , nemenin koleksi air rifle juga , ada yg maen ASG atau air rifle ?

02-27-2006, 09:56 AM
krmn maen ke sdr juga lg pd main Om Hans...mrk pk MP5, M60, M16...main malem2 di halaman rmh:D

02-27-2006, 11:14 AM
Ada yg hobby airsoftgun gak? wleh2 gue baru kblinger lagi nich , skrg ada PSG1 , MC5 Socom, AK47 dan HK USP , G36 dan M4 , nemenin koleksi air rifle juga , ada yg maen ASG atau air rifle ?

Modelnya yg gimana tuch Bos?

02-27-2006, 02:19 PM
Bos kite ini ngak ada matinya, ngomong apa aja dia tau. Kita bakal maju kalo punya bos yg serba tau....

02-27-2006, 05:23 PM
eh bos aku tertarik jg ama airsoft gun kemarin sempat lihat2 di jkt tapi katanya kalo bawa lewat airport securitynya sering rese. benar gak ?

02-27-2006, 08:39 PM
eh bos aku tertarik jg ama airsoft gun kemarin sempat lihat2 di jkt tapi katanya kalo bawa lewat airport securitynya sering rese. benar gak ?

Ada tip triknya tuch Pak :

dibungkus plastik dulu dan diisi oksigen seperti biasa, lantas dibungkus lagi palstik berwarna hitam dan dimasukkan ke kaleng biskuit. Kaleng tersebut kemudian dimasukkan tas tentengan.

02-28-2006, 05:15 AM
Originally Posted by vankough
eh bos aku tertarik jg ama airsoft gun kemarin sempat lihat2 di jkt tapi katanya kalo bawa lewat airport securitynya sering rese. benar gak ?

Ada tip triknya tuch Pak :

Originally Posted by hm siradj
dibungkus plastik dulu dan diisi oksigen seperti biasa, lantas dibungkus lagi palstik berwarna hitam dan dimasukkan ke kaleng biskuit. Kaleng tersebut kemudian dimasukkan tas tentengan.

:confused: :confused: :confused: binun ah...

03-01-2006, 05:53 PM
kaleng biscuit apa yang bisa muat M16, Mp5 ? he he he he he he

03-02-2006, 08:01 AM
pak Hans, uda dipasangin Tactical SWAT Flashlight belum di koleksinya, body metal dgn 15 LED, bisa buat tanning aro tuh..haahahahha :D

03-11-2006, 11:21 PM
eh bos aku tertarik jg ama airsoft gun kemarin sempat lihat2 di jkt tapi katanya kalo bawa lewat airport securitynya sering rese. benar gak ?
sodara gw br pulang dr amrik ... asg-nya disita ama polisi n kaga dibalik2in soalnya dicurigai senjata api beneran ato bisa dimodif jd senjata api beneran ... pdhl di toko mainan udah banyak yg jual .... dsr polisi **** :p :D

03-12-2006, 12:05 AM
oya? hehehehe, bro Azura jenis_nya apaan?

03-12-2006, 12:15 AM
oya? hehehehe, bro Azura jenis_nya apaan?
gw jg ngak tau pasti .... tp lumayan koleksi asg-nya ada 5 pcs lenyap begitu aja :p

03-12-2006, 12:27 AM
5 pcs raib? ck ck ck edan euy:eek: :(

03-12-2006, 12:35 AM
5 pcs raib? ck ck ck edan euy:eek: :(
paling disita ama polisi trus dikasih ke anak2nya .... lumayan khan gratis tuh :p

03-12-2006, 12:37 AM
mimpi apa tuh anak2nya...mana gak murah lagi :p

03-12-2006, 01:20 AM
mimpi apa tuh anak2nya...mana gak murah lagi :p
mimpi perang2an ... hehehe :p

03-12-2006, 01:21 AM
kl ngak disita ama polisinya trus dipake sendiri main perang2an macam paintball :p

03-16-2006, 06:05 AM
Enak juga ya jadi polisi...

03-17-2006, 10:51 PM
Ada yang tahu bagaimana membeli dan membawa dari Semarang ke Pontianak? Apakah aman lewat jalur transportasi lain (selain udara, maxudnya) ?

Btw, apabila ditahan di airport, urusan ama beacukainya kyknya repot deh :(

Saya tertarik dengan tawaran SST daripada AirSoftLand Jkt karna harga yg ditawarkan SST lebih murah. 4,6 juta tuh AK-47, udah termasuk battery. Sementara yang AirSoftLand, AK-47 nya seharga 4,7 juta, dan belum termasuk battery.

Tanya juga nih, apa battery datang satu paket dengan senjatanya, atau beli terpisah? Saya rada heran n curiga soalnya...

JD Winata
03-18-2006, 06:33 AM
Wuaduh ngapain beli yg Tokyo Marui? beli yg China aja merk Double Eagle M86 model AK47 ,harga cuma kira2 spertiga nya doang, buatannya sama persis kecuali magazine nya plastik aja ,cuma yg M86 itu high capacity mag , bisa 250 peluru dan dah pake battery besar , gue dah jajal keduanyanya , powernya malah kencang yg M86 ,apalagi dah metal gear semua ,contact Rianfish deh .

03-18-2006, 03:40 PM
Karena saya mencari kualitas yang mendekati senjata aslinya. Pernah mencoba AK-47 buatan Tokyo Marui, dan memang impressive. Almost close to the real AK, kecuali beratnya yg lebih ringan (AK asli mah solid steel...), serta foregrip-handgrip-stock nya pake plastik bermotif kayu drpd kayu siberia beneran. Hahaha~

Eh, ada yang punya info AK-105 (buatan Classic Army, dan anehnya diberi nama SLR-105) gak? Saya pernah baca sekilas di website AirSoftLand, katanya ini barang baru. Alangkah kerennya kalo AK-105 dipasangi GP-30 Grenade Launcher, Scope + Scope Mount, Double Magazine, Red Dot Pointer, etc... Pasti harganya juga bakal "alangkah" mahalnya jg hehe

So, ada yg bisa jawab gak nih soal prosedur pembelian dan pembawaan lintas pulau? Saya tidak mau keluarkan banyak duit tapi nanti malah ditahan oleh pihak berwajib :(

03-18-2006, 11:01 PM
wah .... dengar2 mesti pake izin jg, soalnya mirip ama aslinya n takut bisa di modif jd senjata beneran .... ntah polisi-nya ngak ada kerjaan ato memang bener2 g*b**k :p

JD Winata
03-19-2006, 10:44 AM
Kayaknya karena g*b**k deh ,masa karena gak ada kerjaaan

03-19-2006, 05:45 PM
Airsoft guns are classified as "toys." There are rumors that these "toys" can be modified to kill; however, airsoft enthusiasts know this is far from the truth. There are also rumors that the Japanese Yakuza and Chinese Triad converted airsoft guns to fire real pistol cartridges, but are limited to a single shot. It is impossible to convert any airsoft replica to fire a real bullet due to its materials, internal design, and construction. Most rumors are driven by the realistic look of the airsoft gun and ignorance about the internals beneath the gun's "skin", a simple mechanism that cannot seriously injure people. Also, airsoft barrels are too thin to use a real bullet. If someone were to replace all of the parts necessary to use a real bullet, they would have simply built a real gun from scratch. Source: "Airsoft" on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airsoft) .... Ada authority yg menyita ASG dgn alasan "bisa dimodif jadi senjata asli", then we got two simple conclusion out of him: First, he's a retard. Second, he's in need of money...u know what it mean.

03-19-2006, 08:03 PM
Airsoft guns are classified as "toys." There are rumors that these "toys" can be modified to kill; however, airsoft enthusiasts know this is far from the truth. There are also rumors that the Japanese Yakuza and Chinese Triad converted airsoft guns to fire real pistol cartridges, but are limited to a single shot. It is impossible to convert any airsoft replica to fire a real bullet due to its materials, internal design, and construction. Most rumors are driven by the realistic look of the airsoft gun and ignorance about the internals beneath the gun's "skin", a simple mechanism that cannot seriously injure people. Also, airsoft barrels are too thin to use a real bullet. If someone were to replace all of the parts necessary to use a real bullet, they would have simply built a real gun from scratch. Source: "Airsoft" on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airsoft) .... Ada authority yg menyita ASG dgn alasan "bisa dimodif jadi senjata asli", then we got two simple conclusion out of him: First, he's a retard. Second, he's in need of money...u know what it mean.
exactly wat i meant :p :D

03-20-2006, 08:04 AM
sorry, its a toy, alright..but some crazy player can modifiy these toys, to reach 900fps and use aluminium BB, thats more than enough to k_ll human being, especially when you put 450bbs to someone head/neck. :(
Even this 900fps available in some particular Website.
But then, dont blame the toys,..blame the finger behind it.

03-20-2006, 08:02 PM
Whoa... 900fps? What's that freak goin' to shoot at?! And Aluminium BBs? LOL, I doubt the gearbox would last for long and for good.

Yup, blame the finger behind it, not the toy. Men created it, blame the men, not the toy. Same thing goes for religions.

03-20-2006, 11:28 PM
No smoke without fire. No Nagasaki and Hirosima if no nuclear bom. Someday ... someday sooner or later, you will sorry your choice when the people that your love become the fictim of your toy due to your careless saving it. And your sorry already to late

03-21-2006, 08:05 AM
so dont be careless...again..dont blame the toys.
Dont keep Arowana,or someday your beloved one, will climb up the chair..to feed the fish and pull the side of the tank, the tank crack and....
seems like one scene on 'Final Destination' :) :D

JD Winata
03-21-2006, 06:32 PM
BTW KMFDM ,seems knew much about weaponry , so how much ASG do you have?
these are mine , from 250fps to 1400fps

03-21-2006, 10:04 PM
nice collections Om Hans :)

03-21-2006, 10:29 PM
No smoke without fire. No Nagasaki and Hirosima if no nuclear bom. Someday ... someday sooner or later, you will sorry your choice when the people that your love become the fictim of your toy due to your careless saving it. And your sorry already to late

Then, it is our responsibility to keep those stuffs away from kids and unresponsible persons.

Toys are made to be played, not to be feared. :cool:

BTW KMFDM ,seems knew much about weaponry , so how much ASG do you have?
these are mine , from 250fps to 1400fps

I love military, history and recent political issues.

Unfortunately, I don't have even one ASG. Wanna buy it from Semarang, but still lacks of idea for the safety of shipment. Ya know, I dont wanna waste my money on something, but it ends up being confiscated by police. Beside, I think I won't buy much, just AK-47, AK-105, Galil, HK MP5, Skorpion vz61, or Uzi.

03-21-2006, 10:35 PM
SST1 (http://indonetwork.co.id/sst1)

Di site inilah, saya tertarik n batalkan untuk beli dari AirSoftLand Jakarta. Ada yg pernah beli dari Pak Iskak ini?

JD Winata
03-21-2006, 10:44 PM
Kmaren hari Jumat ada pengirim paket dari semarang Pandu Siwi isinya ASG ketangkep lho ,lucunya di nyatakan sbg senjata api laras panjang (!) nah lho!
Rada alert aja ngirim2 ginian sekarang ,urusannya jadi panjang deh kalo kena org2 yg gak ngerti beda mainan dan beneran .
Kbetulan yg dikirimnya mungkin banyak komponen besi nya jadi di xray keliatan kayak asli .
Menurut hukum nya barang2 ini masih legal koq kecuali dibawa dan dipertontonkan ke tempat umum dgn tujuan menakut2i .

03-22-2006, 08:18 AM
BTW KMFDM ,seems knew much about weaponry , so how much ASG do you have?
these are mine , from 250fps to 1400fps

WHOAAAAA! jd tambah banyak, sejak kunjungan terakhir :eek: :eek: :D

03-23-2006, 07:47 AM
koleksinya woww ..