View Full Version : Jual : SunGlass US Military bisa buat yg berlensa minus

02-20-2008, 05:15 PM
Halo, bro semua, just to let u know, ada produk bagus buat yg berkacamata minus.
Daisy US.Military Polycarbonate Protection SUN Glasses
Bisa buat yg berlensa minus, krn dapat frame tambahan di dalam nya, jadi tinggal plugin di belakang frame utama Sun Glass ini.

http://img214.imageshack.us/my.php?image=usmilitaryglaases yb7.jpg

Daisy US.Military Polycarbonate Protection SUN Glasses
- 4 Sets of Lens, Sport Belt, Clothing Bag & Case -

* Highly Durable & Flexible Protective Shooting Glasses
* UV Protective Lenes
* Full package comes complete with:
1. Soft padded belt mounted carrying case that can store
everything inside
2. Four different colored tinted lens that interchangeable
3. Durable plastic adjustable frame
4. Prescription lens insert frame that allow you to use corrective
5. Wiping cloth that can store the glasses
* We recommend these glasses for their style & low price. Who need to
pay several hundreds dollars for Oakley's & Wiley-X's when these look
almost as cool!!
* Tinted Lenes Specification:
- Neutral Gray: Provide true color definition. Ideal for everyday,
all purpose wear
- Blue: 9% Transmission, Neutral Transmission. For extreme bright
light usage
- Clear MLC: Clear lenes with special multi-layer coating. Enhances
visual acuity during low light condition
- Cadmium Yellow: High contrast yellow lenes. Ideal for very low
light condition
SUN GLASS ini bisa untuk maen airsoft gun juga, sudah di test, tahan terhadap power 400fps di jarak 3m. Bentuk nya cukup lebar melindungi sisi mata dan tdk menempel di pipi bgn bawahnya.
Hub : 0818161796. Rian
call saja untuk lengkapnya.
Thanks and GBU all.

02-21-2008, 12:02 AM
Halo, bro semua, just to let u know, ada produk bagus buat yg berkacamata minus.
Daisy US.Military Polycarbonate Protection SUN Glasses
Bisa buat yg berlensa minus, krn dapat frame tambahan di dalam nya, jadi tinggal plugin di belakang frame utama Sun Glass ini.

http://img214.imageshack.us/my.php?image=usmilitaryglaases yb7.jpg

Daisy US.Military Polycarbonate Protection SUN Glasses
- 4 Sets of Lens, Sport Belt, Clothing Bag & Case -

* Highly Durable & Flexible Protective Shooting Glasses
* UV Protective Lenes
* Full package comes complete with:
1. Soft padded belt mounted carrying case that can store
everything inside
2. Four different colored tinted lens that interchangeable
3. Durable plastic adjustable frame
4. Prescription lens insert frame that allow you to use corrective
5. Wiping cloth that can store the glasses
* We recommend these glasses for their style & low price. Who need to
pay several hundreds dollars for Oakley's & Wiley-X's when these look
almost as cool!!
* Tinted Lenes Specification:
- Neutral Gray: Provide true color definition. Ideal for everyday,
all purpose wear
- Blue: 9% Transmission, Neutral Transmission. For extreme bright
light usage
- Clear MLC: Clear lenes with special multi-layer coating. Enhances
visual acuity during low light condition
- Cadmium Yellow: High contrast yellow lenes. Ideal for very low
light condition
SUN GLASS ini bisa untuk maen airsoft gun juga, sudah di test, tahan terhadap power 400fps di jarak 3m. Bentuk nya cukup lebar melindungi sisi mata dan tdk menempel di pipi bgn bawahnya.
Hub : 0818161796. Rian
call saja untuk lengkapnya.
Thanks and GBU all.

weitsssssss,keren pak.. :top:

02-21-2008, 08:37 AM
thank you bro. buat yg pake kacamata, ya membantu juga, kalo mau pake SunGlass, agak repot nyarinya, kalaupun ada, hrg udah 1.8jt. Ini jauh di bawah 1jt, dgn model yg Cool :D
Keren dah.

02-21-2008, 11:36 PM
thank you bro. buat yg pake kacamata, ya membantu juga, kalo mau pake SunGlass, agak repot nyarinya, kalaupun ada, hrg udah 1.8jt. Ini jauh di bawah 1jt, dgn model yg Cool :D
Keren dah.

weitsss,bantu up lg deh.. :D abis posting-an ari ini dikit,biar rame gt.. :p

02-22-2008, 09:28 AM
boleh juga ni..model mirip2 oakley...klo plug in minus gimana caranya yah?..

02-22-2008, 10:08 AM
Kalo buat MATA MINUS kan udah ada tuh
Kalo buat MATA PENCARIAN MINUS ada gak bro...:)

02-22-2008, 10:19 AM
ini bro : ada frame kecil yg bisa kita bawa ke optic dan pasang sesuai minus nya.
lalu di plug tancapkan ke frame SunGlass nya, jd elu gak ketara pake lensa minus.

02-22-2008, 11:47 AM
Kalo buat MATA MINUS kan udah ada tuh
Kalo buat MATA PENCARIAN MINUS ada gak bro...:)
kalo MATA PENCARIAN MINUS, saya tdk bisa kasih pendapat bro :)
Tp mungkin dgn Sun Glass ini, bro bisa mendpt pendapatan lebih.
:D :D :D itu kalo bro Debt Collector...:D

02-22-2008, 12:46 PM
ini bro : ada frame kecil yg bisa kita bawa ke optic dan pasang sesuai minus nya.
lalu di plug tancapkan ke frame SunGlass nya, jd elu gak ketara pake lensa minus.

wah cakep...
ini ada brp model/size bro...kayaknya ok niy bt gw:love:

02-22-2008, 01:09 PM
Model hanya 1 bro. Dengan 4 macam warna lensa saja.

02-22-2008, 10:00 PM
ini bro : ada frame kecil yg bisa kita bawa ke optic dan pasang sesuai minus nya.
lalu di plug tancapkan ke frame SunGlass nya, jd elu gak ketara pake lensa minus.

welwh,jeroan nya keren jg nih,nuansa PLANET.. :top::D

02-25-2008, 08:58 AM
Gak neko2 bro modelnya, :D biasa dipake US MArine koq, gak terlalu aneh jdnya, tp fungsional.

02-25-2008, 02:09 PM
kebetulan gue hobi beli kacamata hitam (karena rada pikun n sering lupa naruhnya di mana atau ketinggalan di lapangan golf).

harganya berapa nih bro.

03-17-2008, 04:59 PM
MAsih ada 2 unit nih. Siapa lagi? :)

03-17-2008, 08:46 PM
MAsih ada 2 unit nih. Siapa lagi? :)

Bro, pm donk harga pas nya... tks sebelumnya.

03-18-2008, 10:15 AM
Kalo buat MATA MINUS kan udah ada tuh
Kalo buat MATA PENCARIAN MINUS ada gak bro...:)

ade bro! tinggal lu beli kacamata yang hitam pekat ...trus modal dikit tongkat ama kaleng diisi batu....nah lu keliling dah kekampung-kampung..... :D :p

04-22-2008, 10:05 AM
hayoo, Sun Glass ready lagi nih. :)

04-22-2008, 10:05 AM
Halo, bro semua, just to let u know, ada produk bagus buat yg berkacamata minus.
Daisy US.Military Polycarbonate Protection SUN Glasses
Bisa buat yg berlensa minus, krn dapat frame tambahan di dalam nya, jadi tinggal plugin di belakang frame utama Sun Glass ini.

http://img214.imageshack.us/my.php?image=usmilitaryglaases yb7.jpg

Daisy US.Military Polycarbonate Protection SUN Glasses
- 4 Sets of Lens, Sport Belt, Clothing Bag & Case -

* Highly Durable & Flexible Protective Shooting Glasses
* UV Protective Lenes
* Full package comes complete with:
1. Soft padded belt mounted carrying case that can store
everything inside
2. Four different colored tinted lens that interchangeable
3. Durable plastic adjustable frame
4. Prescription lens insert frame that allow you to use corrective
5. Wiping cloth that can store the glasses
* We recommend these glasses for their style & low price. Who need to
pay several hundreds dollars for Oakley's & Wiley-X's when these look
almost as cool!!
* Tinted Lenes Specification:
- Neutral Gray: Provide true color definition. Ideal for everyday,
all purpose wear
- Blue: 9% Transmission, Neutral Transmission. For extreme bright
light usage
- Clear MLC: Clear lenes with special multi-layer coating. Enhances
visual acuity during low light condition
- Cadmium Yellow: High contrast yellow lenes. Ideal for very low
light condition
SUN GLASS ini bisa untuk maen airsoft gun juga, sudah di test, tahan terhadap power 400fps di jarak 3m. Bentuk nya cukup lebar melindungi sisi mata dan tdk menempel di pipi bgn bawahnya.
Hub : 0818161796. Rian
call saja untuk lengkapnya.
Thanks and GBU all.

04-23-2008, 02:10 PM
ayo, di daerah juga siap kirim :)

04-23-2008, 09:38 PM
boleh di pm-in harganya....

04-29-2008, 05:36 PM
Selamat sore :D

06-09-2008, 11:50 AM
http://upload.kapanlagi.com/images/thumb/20080609112019_newDaisycopy_48 4caf833faeb-t.jpg (http://upload.kapanlagi.com/h/20080609112019_newDaisycopy_48 4caf833faeb.jpg)

Ini yg new type! Frame sun glass bisa di flip up ke atas, dapat hardbox dan spare frame +lens 2pcs (kuning dan hitam). Hrg 550rb.

Yg ini yg fix. 500rb.
http://upload.kapanlagi.com/h/20080430105823_daisy_glaases_4 817ee5feb6e8.jpg
dpt spare lens 3 pcs.

O.k, mumpung ada ya, thanks.

06-12-2008, 10:06 AM
Ayo, yg new type ini, bisa di flip up frame sunglass nya, jd elu gak repot kalo perlu liat hanya dgn lensa minus saja.