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Old 09-26-2005, 12:51 AM   #2
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Default Re: Caution when buying MG Xback

Du.., Would you mind to tell us all the Indonesian reputable farm or retailer who aren't just give their customer its certificate only, but they can also give their customer satisfaction guarantee said that their fish are 100% original type of MG Xback.

I'm telling you all because I've a bad experience when I bought an "SR" for the first time (a few years ago) and I asked the seller about my fish's certificate, I was so surprised at that time because suddenly the seller showed me a bunch of "SR"'s certificates issued by miscellaneous breeders and asked me to pick one of them, and you know, later on I was more surprised when I found in fact that the fish that I bought from him wasn't not an "SR", but an "GR". (What a pitty... !!!!)

So, based on my bad experience above, I wanna say that "Certificate" is just a piece of paper only which everybody can make or duplicate it easily, and for the beginer, the most important thing before they buy such an expensive fish like MG Xback (without feeling to discredit any one) firstly they have to know better who the seller is, they may ask as many as their wellknown friends who have more knowledge about this matter and hopefully or at least will give them a recommendation which retailer can be trusted.

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